Character defects and assets pdf

If you are reading this list and have not played any of the aforementioned games, i highly encourage you to do so in an attempt to decide for yourself the merits of each individual character. A character defect is a personal attribute that causes a negative impact on achieving a positive goal, situation, or desire. Pdf the character of the defects in the medical care. It doesnt mean that the character defects go completely away, but that they are recognized, and reacted to in a positive way, and not a damaging one. Assets and liabilities inventory selfwill gods will 4th step inventory. He will usually offer his proof in a statement like this.

List of character defects worksheets lesson worksheets. The defects are those i found in step four shared in step five. This is an inventory of both bad and good characteristics. Heres a list i found of possible character defects to consider while doing stepwork. The inventory example in the big book has a list of names that one is resentful at, the cause, the. The big book tells us to take an hour to check if we did steps 15 properly. Women in recovery the hardest thing of all character assets charater assets. By becoming aware of what the behaviors have taken from us, we set the stage for creating an attitude and motivation for change. Aas are often asked what is the difference between defects of character in step six and shortcomings in step seven. However the word ready is a reminder that we are prepared, open and available. List of character defects and assets in the business world, when a company does an inventory or balance sheet, they list the assets and the. If we can answer the questions on page 75 to our satisfaction, we then look at step six.

Im either in my mind better than everyone else or less than. They are an integral part of layers of imprisonment that has alienated us from our relationships. Displaying all worksheets related to list of character defects. Are you willing to have god removed the defects of character that are blocking you from him. Removing defects of character page 62 of the big book so our troubles, we think, are basically of our own making. One of the things that struck me as odd about 12step recovery is that we spend a lot of time thinking about our liabilities character defects, but not somuch our character assets. Opposite asset 4 aggressive, belligerent goodnatured, gentle angry2 forgiving, calm. Step 6 is the getting ready for removal stepthe step that can bring noticeable change when it comes to our thought patterns and behaviors.

One of the products of this is a clearer understanding of the character defects. So step sixwere entirely ready to have god remove all these defects of characteris a. The liabilities with check marks are the character defects that you turn over to god in steps six and seven. Defects of character alcoholics anonymous cleveland. It remains a focal point of the clubs main room and has helped countless recovering alcoholics identify areas of their character that need improvement. List of character defects and assets realistic recovery. Checklist of flaws and assets 4 character defect opposite asset 4 aggressive, belligerent goodnatured, gentle angry2 forgiving, calm, generous apathetic interested, concerned, alert apprehensive, afraid calm, courageous argumentative, quarrelsome agreeable arrogant, insolent unassuming, humble attacking, critical fair, selfrestrained. Step 6 worksheet better choices counseling services. Telling someone that anger, or selfindulgence, or fear are character defects is as ridiculous as telling someone that breathing is a biological defect.

It is only when these imperfections lead to suffering that there is a real cause for concern. Firefox helps you cover your assets with latest tracking protection feature. One of the things that struck me as odd about 12step recovery is that we spend a lot of time thinking. Were entirely ready to have god remove all these defects of character. And you have all of them 1 abusing others for enjoyment 2 action, failing to take 3 aloof 4 anger 5 antagonistic 6 anxiety 7 anxious, overly 8 apathetic 9 apologetic, overly 10 appearances, preoccupied or obsessed with 11 argumentative 12 arrogance avarice 14 avoiding confrontation 15 beating yourself up. Recovery for me is about living in reality which means i have both defects and. The inventory is of our defects, not our incidents.

On the other side of every character defect is a character asset. Please remember that character is defined by behavior. The purpose of the 4th step is to see the damage caused by selfwill and transform these defects of character into godcentered assets. This guide is intended to be used as an aid to writing a fourth step inventory. Character defects or flaws a comprehensive list of the major defects. The defects in diagnostics andtreatment prevail among defects in medical care dmc. If you dont have one yet, this is a good time to find one who can help guide you through these. Step four made a searching and fearless moral inventory. I also realized that some of my character assets were the flip side of my character defects like two sides of a coin and that some of my character defects were character assets run amock. Synonyms for character defects within all 12 step programmes character defects are described in a variety of ways. List of character defects abrasiveness aggression aloofness anger apathy argumentativeness arrogance attentionseeking bigotry belligerent bitter bossy braggart careless coldhearted complainer compulsive critical cruelty deceitful defensiveness denial dependent depression detached discrimination dishonesty disorganized distant distrustful dominating dramatic egocentric. Character defects are the primary subject of our inventory and the activities connected with it in steps 4 through 10.

List of character defects\list of character assets. It is one of the hardest things i have struggled with in recovery. Recognizing character defects in others is sometimes easier than recognizing our own. Selfish unselfishgivingsharing dishonest honest resentful forgiving afraidfear faith arrogant humble egotisticalegoism modest cocky mild envy grateful sloth hard workingindustrious gluttony sharing impatient patient vengeful loving hurtful kind. Next we launched out on a course of vigorous action, the first step of which is a personal housecleaning, which many of us had never attempted. But for the purposes of this group project, i brought a list of possible character defects with me and simply asked the group to select 5 of the. Then discuss your defects with your best example of each on the. Magus thus concludes the top 10 villains turned good. Suggested list of defects of character this list of defects of character hangs of the wall of the westside club in georgetown. Breaking down step six of aa alcoholics anonymous jason. It is extremely important that we work with an na sponsor.

Moral inventorya list of personality defects, violations of moral principles, defects in character, maladjustments, and dysfunctional behavior. They arise out of ourselves, and the alcoholic is an extreme example of selfwill run riot, though he usually doesnt think so. Your sponsor or sharing partner ends the session by describing the assets that you already have those items with the least number of check marks and those will be strengthened as you make your amends. It can start with the misuse of my imagination through fear, then i will pretend the fiction i just created has or is about to happen, then i will try to control or manipulate the people and events in my life, so everyone will be ok. List of character defects for 12 step recovery work.

Within the 12 steps themselves character defects are referred to as. One of the things that struck me as odd about 12step recovery is that we spend a lot of time thinking about our liabilities character defects, but not. Pride is one of those defects that we should pray to be removed in its entirety it will certainly not serve us well. Which character should be added to the super smash bros. Defects of character program theory alcoholics anonymous. This list was an effort to create greater awareness and appreciation of these complex characters. Smashing of pride and ego is interwoven throughout all of the steps, and will inevitably become an integral part of every program of recovery. When breaking down step six i like to focus more on the word ready than entirely. Liabilities and assets checklist for a moral inventory. It is an open invitation to partner with our higher power and make a firm decision to let go of the character defects or flaws that have been in control for years. Working step four in narcotics anonymous we made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

Strength during recovery comes about by developing character assets that can counteract and override the character defects that have been present for years or decades. Honesty, purity, unselfishness and love and the liabilities were dishonesty, resentment, selfishness, and fear. Part i defects of character defect the cause affects my. Above everything, we alcoholics must be rid of this selfishness. I ve been following your posts beccybean and you are doing some work on yourself.

An indepth look at steps 6 and 7 by jay westbrook on august 10, 2015 in living in recovery. List of character defects and assets list of characters. List of character defects and assets list of characters, celebrate. List of character defects and assets in the business world, when a company does an inventory or balance sheet, they list the assets and the liabilities. Opposite asset forgetful responsible sarcastic1 praising, tolerant aggressive, belligerent goodnatured, gentle. Character defects or flaws a list of major defects. The inventory example in the big book has a list of names that one is resentful at, the cause, the nature of the resentment and what the character defect affected, how did the character defect. In twelvestep programs there is a process called inventory, where the person explores those places where they are in conflict. Character defects in 12 step programmes wrongs, shortcomings. Character deficits can cause us to damage relationships and our health, even though this wasnt the goal or intent. Most people will have many minor character defects, and a. The assets and liabilities checklist was used by the very early a. The promulgation of the defects of character idea is an example of the injustice of pathologizing our humanness.

Character defects are defense mechanism, which add to our denial of addiction. A few suggestions for working on character defects. Worksheets are fourth step inventory, step 6 7 work, fourth step inventory, steps 4 and 5 handout, checklist of flaws and assets, examples of selfishness dishonesty self seeking fear, fourth step invento ry. Liabilities and assets checklist for a moral inventory the introduction to the fourth step starts at the bottom of page 63 of the aa text. We must humbly ask god to remove all our defects of character. Step six were entirely ready to have god remove all these defects of. This being so, we think it logically follows that sobriety. Our feelings are godgiven, and we cannot choose them.